Spatial Data Analyses,
Remote Sensing & GIS
Felix Kröber

This website is a compilation of my work at the interface between physical geography, geoinformatics and data science. My motivation stems from a deep interest in environmental issues. This is reflected in my professional experience, which began with a bachelor’s degree in geography out of enthusiasm for the topics. It continued with a master’s in geodata science out of the desire to deepen my knowledge of state-of-the-art quantitative methods.
On the one hand, this website serves to summarise and structure my previous work and, in doing so, also aims at repeated and self-reflexive engagement with past work. At the same time, this website is intended to make aspects of my work visible to the outside world in the sense of a continuously maintained blog. This is done both under the aspect of making approaches to various geographical questions accessible to generally interested people, but at the same time in a self-serving sense also in order to receive critical feedback and suggestions from outside. I firmly believe that progress in the scientific sense needs constant exposure to criticism and at the same time is promoted in a positive way through the mutual exchange of ideas.
In this sense, I hope that you will follow the presented contents with mental alertness but also with pleasure!